Are you currently prego or know someone that is prego? Whether your a mommy-to-be, an experienced mommy, or have a loved on that has a new one on the way, getting a good deal on some essentials is a must. While I was prego with my little one, I stumbled across Mother's Lounge and found some amazing products that I am happy to be sharing with you.

Mother's Lounge offers many great quality products that were offered for a nominal price. With the use of a promo code you can select the style of your choice and you pay shipping! The great thing about this is there is not a limit to the number of times you can use the code and you can forward the code to others to use as well! Just be mindful that quantities are limited and tend to sell out quickly!
I purchased my nursing cover, washable breast pads, and car seat canopy from this company which I loved all for shipping only!
Mothers Lounge offers the following:
- Carseat Canopy (shields baby's car seat from the elements)
- Udder Covers (nursing covers)
- Seven Everyday Slings (baby carrier)
- Nursing Pillow
- Breast pads
- Belly Button Bands (to cover your growing baby bump)
- Baby leg warmers
- Baby board books
- And so much more!
Want to snag some of these goodies for yourselves?
Use the link below to check out my Freebies & Coupons Page.
Use Promo Code MCM100 before you checkout for the discount to be applied to your cart.
Happy Shopping!
Click here for to check out my Mommy Maternity Essentials
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* This page contains affiliate links.
If you make a purchase using the links below I will receive a small commission.
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